torsdag 26. januar 2012


I have decided to start writing in English in here so everyone can understand, I know there are some good friends in Australia that would love to read:) I took a funny photo of Odin the other day. He got to come inside and relax on the sofa with me, he was really happy as you can tell from his big smile! Ha ha:)

I have been to the gym again today, first i rowed 2000 metres in 10 min, was really exhausted after that. Then I did my normal bodypump rutine, I managed to do 10 push ups today, proper ones, then I took 5 and then 5 again!!! Going from doing only 4 around christmas till that many now, I am very happy with myself!
Tomorrow its the last day at work this week, then I got 2 weeks off. I am going to try and be a good girl and go to the gym atleast 3-4 times next week!

I wrote earlier today that I got some "wood dust" in my eye and it was really irritating it! My eyes were running like crazy and after like 4 hours it finally came out, but now my eye is all swollen, I look halfed druged, ha ha!! Hope it is better in the morning.

Guess I better get to bed! Good night everyone! :)

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